Thursday, June 18, 2009

L'Atelier de Vaour

This past week I went with two other people from the farm here to a meat and vegetable transformaion workspace in Vaour, a small village in south east-ish France. Apparently this is the only atelier of its kind in France because they are permitted to transform all different varieties of meat, fruits and vegetables in the same building. Now if someone wishes to start a similar cooperative it is limited to one sort of product. ie: pork etc. They have over seventeen members who each use the facility for different purposes. I went there on one other occasion as well to cook prepared meals for a music festival that we were going to be selling at. Our mission this time around was to transform four Gascon pigs that were raised on the farm here into tasty charcuterie treats for the summer season to come on the farm. Mission well accomplished! We arrived with four hundred kilograms of porc and left with fresh cuts, roasts, sausage, boudin noir in sausage, four hams sent to be cooked and duly returned to us, bacon and rillette, fromage de tete, patés, boudin, and jambonneau in tins. Wow is all I can say and YUM!! It is tasty when you know where your meat and derived products is coming from. Fortunately I brought my camera along but unfortunately, I forgot to take photos while I was there. Boo.